Milk Studios CLOSED
Milk Studios (Not Legal) / 11 - Studios
• 450 West 15th Street, Manhattan o There is no legal use for studios, there is an ALT-1 application on file for change of use to art gallery and production studio on 3rd and 8th floor but no T.C.O. was issued.
Block 712, Lot 1
The latest Final Certificate of Occupancy #107996 was issued on September 14, 1995 for parking, loading berth storage, printing, and shoe repair on the 5th Floor, and offices on floors 6 through 8.
There is also a temporary Certificate of Occupancy #110342549TO17 for cellar storage, and 1st floor store, Use Group 6. There is an Alteration Type 1, application #104376104 with permits issued in 2006 to change the 3rd and 8th floors to an art gallery and production studio. This application did not have a C.O. or Temp. C.O.
There is an Alteration Type 1, application #12093093 filed to change the use of the 1st floor retail, 3rd floor to offices, and all other floors to offices, and to add occupancy to the Penthouse. This application has a T.C.O. #120939093T012 for 1st through 5th floor retail and offices.
Conclusion: The Occupancy of the 1st, 2nd and 8th floors, and Penthouse are listed as an art studio (called “Milk Group Company”) is contrary to the Certificate of Occupancy.
In addition, the 8th floor occupancy contains a bar with drinks without a Place of Assembly permit and no liquor license.
Jack Studios
Jack Studios - 12th Floor (Not Legal) / 8 - Studios
• 601 West 26th Street, Manhattan o Per T.C.O. there are 4 legal studios on the 13th floor and 7 legal studios on the 14th floor.
Note: Areas in Question 12th Floor, 13th Floor, 14th Floor
TCO #102690571T056 indicates 12th floor is factory/warehouse, 13th floor shows studios use group 9, 14th floor indicates showroom and studios use group 9 (Expired 12/27/2018)
Final CO #89823 dated 01/30/1987 indicates factory and warehouse for 12th, 13th and 14th floor.
Conclusion: Per C.O. records and research of approved plans, Hudson Studios on the 13th floor is legal,
Canoe Studios on the 14th floor is legal with an active T.C.O. (expires on 04/11/2019). There are no records of legal use for studios on the 12th floor. T.C.O. also indicates that 13th floor has 4 legal uses of studios (Units #B, I, K, N) and 14th floor has 7 legal studios (Units #A, C, D, E, F, I, J)
Root Studios BK
Root Studios BK (Not Legal) / 4 - Studios
• 131 North 14th Street, Brooklyn o There is no legal use for studios at the property due to no issuance of T.C.O. or C.O for ALT-1 application #310214309.
C.O. #66197 Indicates Ordinary Use, and Light Manufacturing
Note: ALT-1 #310214309 approved and permitted for change of use on 1st floor from light manufacturing to photographic studio, accessory offices and storage. No TCOs ever issued.
Conclusion: Change of use from light manufacturing to photographic studio was filed, approved and permitted on 07/07/2009. No C.O. or T.C.O. was ever issued for this change of use and there has been no action with the Department of Buildings on this application since 04/06/2010.
FORMERLY Dune Studios NYC – 3rd Floor (Not Legal) / 11 - Studios
• 55 Water Street, Manhattan o There are no legal studios on 3rd floor
Note: Floors in question, 3rd floor
C.O. #88362 (Dated March 13, 1986) indicates 3rd floor as offices
TCO #118279 (Dated November 22, 1999) indicates 3rd floor as Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices
TCO #1P0008466 indicates 3rd floor as Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices
TCO # 122233145T009 indicates Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices, Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage on 3rd floor (Expires 12/19/2018)
TCO #122899890T005 indicates Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza Retail
Stores on 3rd floor (Expires 01/21/2019)
TCO #110040553T035 does not include the 3rd floor (Expired 11/11/2018)
TCO #103768521T036 indicates conference rooms (non-PA) and Auditorium on 3rd floor (Expires 12/18/2018)
TCO #110315123T022 indicates Auditorium, Office Conference Room on 3rd floor (Expires 02/12/2019)
Conclusion: Based upon the research of Department of Building records for Certificate of Occupancies, there is no legal use for studios on the 3rd floor for 55 Water Street. There is also no Alteration Type I application on file for change of use on 3rd floor to studios.
Dune Studios BK (Not Legal) / 6 - Studios
• 154 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn o No legal use for studios at this property.
C.O. #107283 dated November 9, 1948 for vehicle repair shop
Conclusion: No legal use for studios at 154 Morgan Avenue.
FORMERLY Sandbox NYC – 3rd Floor (Not Legal) / 2 - Studios
• 55 Water Street, Manhattan o There are no legal studios on 3rd floor
Note: Floors in question, 3rd floor C.O. #88362 (Dated March 13, 1986) indicates 3rd floor as offices TCO #118279 (Dated November 22, 1999) indicates 3rd floor as Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices TCO #1P0008466 indicates 3rd floor as Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices TCO # 122233145T009 indicates Plaza, Retail Stores, Offices, Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage on 3rd floor (Expires 12/19/2018) TCO #122899890T005 indicates Eating & Drinking Establishment, Storage, Plaza Retail Stores on 3rd floor (Expires 01/21/2019) TCO #110040553T035 does not include the 3rd floor (Expired 11/11/2018) TCO #103768521T036 indicates conference rooms (non-PA) and Auditorium on 3rd floor (Expires 12/18/2018) TCO #110315123T022 indicates Auditorium, Office Conference Room on 3rd floor (Expires 02/12/2019) Conclusion: Based upon the research of Department of Building records for Certificate of Occupancies, there is no legal use for studios on the 3rd floor for 55 Water Street. There is also no Alteration Type I application on file for change of use on 3rd floor to studios. Sandbox BK (Not Legal) / 4 - Studios
• 154 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn o No legal use for studios at this property.
C.O. #107283 dated November 9, 1948 for vehicle repair shop
Conclusion: No legal use for studios at 154 Morgan Avenue.
Smashbox Studios
Smashbox Studios (Not Legal) / 1 - Studio
• 76 Calyer Street, Brooklyn o No legal use for studios at this property for either buildings.
Note: 2 buildings on lot
C.O. #3P0006674 indicates manufacturing establishment, warehouse, accessory offices and accessory propane storage on 1st floor (issued March 23, 1994)
Building #2 (AKA 64 Calyer Street) C.O. #198399 for 1st floor factory, manufacturing establishment and parking for 21 cars and 2 loading berths (issued November 30, 1967).
Conclusion: No C.O. on file for studio use and no Alteration Type I applications filed for change of use to studios.
Pier 59 Studios
Pier 59 Studios (Legal) / 11 - Studios
• 111 A 11th Avenue AKA Pier 59, Manhattan o 1st floor contains at least 3 legal uses for TV studios
o 2nd floor contains at least 1 photographic studio with non-simultaneous seasonal dining, and at least 2 TV studios with accessory uses. T.C.O. does not indicate exact amount of studios there are on the property.
TCO # 100619957T064 indicates that 1st floor aka Headhouse Center, contains TV Studios (3x), Photo Studio Entrance, Wardrobe/Scenery, Studio Support (2x) and Dressing Room. 2nd floor for Headhouse South A contains a Photo Studio and Seasonal Dining, and Photo Studios with Accessory Uses. 2nd floor for Headhouse Center contains TV Studios with Accessory Uses.
Conclusion: Pier 59 Studios is legal for photographic and TV studios.
Highline Stages
Highline Stages (Partially Legal Studio - Legal use on 1st and 3rd floor, with 2nd floor to be used as accessory use only) / 5 - Studios (2 - Illegal Studios on the 2nd floor / 1 - Legal Studio on the 1st floor and 2 - Legal Studios on the 3rd floor)
• 440 West 15th Street, Manhattan o There is 1 legal use for studio on 1st floor, and at least 1 legal use on the 3rd floor for studios, C.O. did not indicate how many exact studios there are per floor.
CO #120492859F indicates 1st floor photo studios, storage, employee lounge and snack bar, 2nd floor indicates storage and assembly of T.V. scenery (Use Group 17), 3rd floor indicates motion picture production studios. Conclusion: Per C.O. records, Highline Stages is legal for studio use on 1st and 3rd floor with 2nd floor to be used as storage and assembly of T.V. scenery. Based upon this C.O., there are at least 2 legal uses for studios on 1st and 3rd floor, potentially more as 3rd floor indicates “Motion Picture Production Studios”
Root NYC Root Studios NYC (Legal if studios are only on the 1st and 2nd floors) / 3 - Studios
• 443 West 18th Street, Manhattan o Per C.O, there is legal use for at least 1 studio per floor for 1st and 2nd.
Final CO #101951292F indicates 1st and 2nd floor as offices, photographic studio (issued 12/21/2007)
Conclusion: Per Final C.O. #101951292F, there is legal use for studios on 1st and 2nd floors.
Dune Studios COLSED
Dune Studios NYC – Penthouse (Legal if on 10th Floor) / 3 - Studios
• 205 Hudson Street, Manhattan o There is legal use for 1 studio on the 10th floor with accessory kitchen but may be operating with an expired T.C.O.
o There is no legal use for studios on 11th and 12th floor.
Note: Area in question, Penthouse (Possibly 10th, 11th and 12th floor)
TCO # 101939002T058 does not indicate penthouse level or 10th floor(Expires 02/26/2019), 11th floor is shown as Banquet/Catering, Eating & Drinking Establishment, Kitchen, Reception/Waiting Area, Bathrooms. 12th floor is shown as Factory.
TCO # 104518265T035 shows photographic studio on 10th floor (expired 07/26/2016)
Conclusion: 10th Floor studio is legal however T.C.O. is expired and needs to be renewed; there are no legal studios on 11th and 12th floor.
Creative Drive aka Hudson Studios / Canoe Studios
Creative Drive (formerly know as Hudson Studios) - #1330 (Legal) / 5 - Studios Canoe Studios - #1465 (Legal) / 5 - Studios
• 601 West 26th Street, Manhattan o Per T.C.O. there are 4 legal studios on the 13th floor and 7 legal studios on the 14th floor.
Note: Areas in Question 12th Floor, 13th Floor, 14th Floor TCO #102690571T056 indicates 12th floor is factory/warehouse, 13th floor shows studios use group 9, 14th floor indicates showroom and studios use group 9 (Expired 12/27/2018) Final CO #89823 dated 01/30/1987 indicates factory and warehouse for 12th, 13th and 14th floor. Conclusion: Per C.O. records and research of approved plans, Hudson Studios on the 13th floor is legal, Canoe Studios on the 14th floor is legal with an active T.C.O. (expires on 04/11/2019). There are no records of legal use for studios on the 12th floor. T.C.O. also indicates that 13th floor has 4 legal uses of studios (Units #B, I, K, N) and 14th floor has 7 legal studios (Units #A, C, D, E, F, I,)